EDA: open consultation to identify impact of 3D-printing technologies in defence
The European Defence Agency (EDA) has recently commissioned Fundación Prodintec and MBDA FR to conduct a project on “Additive Manufacturing Feasibility Study & Technology Demonstration” (ref. 16.ESI.OP.144). due to be delivered in December 2017.
This study will assess the areas where additive manufacturing can make a greater contribution to defence capabilities and demonstrate its feasibility. It also has the objective of raising awareness in the defence community and of promoting a better understanding of the potential of these technologies, thereby stimulating their implementation in defence specific areas.
Timely input from all actors in the defence and additive manufacturing sectors is considered as critical for the success of this study, which will hopefully serve to improve the impact of these technologies in defence. Since your organization is considered as a relevant stakeholder, we are herewith inviting you to participate in a survey on the applications of Additive Manufacturing technologies in the context of Defence.
Please find attached the EDA letter asking for your support for this study, and a reference in EDA web: in EDA Web – news section - EDA consultation to identify impact of 3D-printing technologies in defence.
The collected data will be used only in the framework of the project and ,conscious of the sometimes-sensitive nature of the information, we commit herewith formally not to disclose any individual data and to only publish results in an aggregate and anonymised form.
You are kindly requested to fill the questionnaire at the following link by 30 April.
We estimate that the questionnaire will take around 10 minutes to complete. If you have any technical difficulty or if you need any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you!